It’s tough to say goodbye to your little girl when you’ll be away for the summer.
“What do you want to do on our last Saturday together?” I asked Tommy.
“Go fishing with you and Mom!”
So this is what we’ll remember while we’re apart – a day together that’s bright, cool and breezy, with popcorn clouds scudding across a cerulean sky. Greens so bright they hurt our eyes, and a wild, clean river to float.
A special day requires an equally special fly, and I’d saved one that our friend at Carolina Fly, Thomas Harvey, made for us.

It matches my hat!

Tommy has the front of the boat, but Mom strikes first!

Tommy helps out.

Nice one, Mom!

We’re working on the revive and release technique…

For some reason fishing was slow, and all we could figure was that the fish were gorged on all the tent caterpillars… they were everywhere! So we figured that if the fish wouldn’t eat, we might as well.

Time for some sandwiches…

… and some exploring. Tommy found a rare Luna Moth!

And, lots of dragonfly husks.

After lunch, mom takes over on the sticks, and Tommy works it hard… but to no avail.

We have everything but the fish! Ahhh… but dad has a secret spot; a creek mouth that usually produces a couple of fish. We pull the boat up and get our feet muddy. Tommy hits one… fish on!

Good Karma, there… thanks, Thomas!

A good fish, for a special little girl, on a great day.

Back you go… a little gentler this time.
The shadows were long, and Tommy was tired. The perfect day had ended… but the memory of it was carried in my heart all summer long, and got me through some long, cold, wet days.